is moderated by RPS Group to ensure relevant non-offensive content is posted by registered users.
While we value your time in participating online and your comments are valued, moderation enables the site to be positively and constructively enjoyed by all participants. Content is screened prior to publishing on this website and may be screened after it has be published. If your published content receives legitimate objection, it will be unpublished and reviewed by the moderator. At any time the moderator, at their sole discretion, can remove content that they deem unsatisfactory.
Additionally, a profanity filter is built into the software disabling any attempt by a user to use offensive language.
It is encouraged for participants to be thoroughly informed of the consultation’s subject, impacts and outcomes in drafting their content they intend to write, prior to posting a comment. The most effective way to share your opinion is through constructive contributions.
The following behaviour will not be tolerated:
There is no obligation on the moderator to notify you, if your content has been deemed unsuitable for publishing.
A registered user will be permanently banned for their inconsideration and inability to meet these rules and those of the TOUs.
If you have any enquiries regarding moderation, please email